Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Life of The 'Los Day #1

7:00 am: I wake up and urgently get ready for church; I show up late to rehearsal, but I'm not the last to arrive. The songs we are playing are: I've Found a Love, Forever Reign, and Cornerstone. They're pretty simple to memorize on bass, Why do I keep memorizing things when I have a geography test this Tuesday? Rehearsal goes well, I got this! I wait around and mingle a bit before youth service begins and I have to get on stage to play. I'm the only one without a music stand #tryhard. Austin (the worship intern) says we can't play with music on Sundays after today. Hah! I'm way ahead of you! After the sermon the youth break into small groups while I play a game called Deal With Middle-Schoolers While Refraining From Violence.
     Ever since my small group discovered that I have yet to own a drivers license, they have refused to listen to me. One of these days I will show up with my license and car keys, slam them on the table, and say "You no longer have any insults against me! Where's YOUR license? That's right! You're in middle school so you don't even have one! Now obey me!" That will be the day of my coup d'etat, I will then regain control of my small group. One of these weeks. Until then I have to spend twice as much time as I should trying to get them to answer the lesson questions.

12:30 pm: I have to go to "work" at my under-the-table job that is my only source of income since I don't have a real job. I mostly have to do gardening work and heavy lifting since my boss has a bad back and can't lift objects. In all of my time working for him and pretty much doing whatever he tells me to do, I have never truly felt like a monkey until today when he had me fling poop around the yard... Now before you jump to conclusions, let me explain. Like I mentioned before, my boss has a garden that I help take care of. Today he had me fertilize the plants in the garden using a bag of dried out chicken feces. It has a strong smell to it and isn't fun to work with. I worked about 2 hours today.

3:00 pm: I get home and decide to have a cup of coffee and go for a run after working outside because reasons. As I'm walking out the door I note that it already hurts to move my leg, this is going to be fun. I decide to only run a mile in order to give myself a break from all of the running I've been doing lately. I get home 9 minutes later as my dad is heading to the grocery store and I take a shower. After my shower I listen to music and browse the Internet until dinner is ready.

7:00 pm: I start studying for my test on Tuesday. I officially know the locations of every country in Europe, North America, and South America! I might be able to get at least a C at this rate! After a bit of studying I remember that I need to update my blog for the day. I decide to start a series and call it The Life of The 'Los and have it be a log of my daily activities so that I have a way to work on my writing skills. At one point I decide to get fancy and replace the word revenge with the French phrase coup d'etat, in a later reference to the phrase I use Google to double check that It's actually French. I think about my book of words that every high school graduate should know and possibly using at least one of those words in each blog post to expand my vocabulary, but that seems difficult so I might abjure to that idea... Never mind... I'm too lazy to find the book to see if I properly used the word abjure so I Goolgle it, It's correct. That's about all I have for today, I'm sorry I have to stop writing for now, or you're welcome for me stopping, whichever floats your boat, but remember, if you really didn't like this ask yourself why you're still reading it. Anyway, if you'd like, go ahead and provide criticism in the comments. See you all tomorrow.

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