Friday, March 20, 2015

Last Update 1 Month Ago

So it's been almost a month since I've posted in my blog and sadly the only reason I know that is because my neighbor and good friend, Emily got so bored that she wrote me a letter which reads as follows:
Dear CharlosNoTape, it has come to my realization that you have not written on your blog for quite some time now. to be exact because i checked so this letter was not inaccurate, almost 1 month. 3 more days and you will have left behind your blog like that bitch from Toy Story 2 left behind her doll Jessie. let me turn my black sass on: ahem boy you best be writing some good stuff down and share it with the world. i have seen many people do things they thought evolutionary, revolutionary, or just plain freaking awesome...and they give it up. time wins the war on "do i reeeeeeeeallllllly wanna do this today? laaaater" kinda thing. in other words keep writing because it will only benefit you. and will keep me from writing more letters like these because this is my only form of entertainment right now. i say this as a friend that you should most definitely bestow upon the world your sarcasm because tumblr and reddit need posts that are worth reading, and because why the fuck not. i being the epitome of good writing and elocution as my name is eMLA Format says write on for it is priceless. also my name is my credentials. and guess who named me. BAM so freakin bestow the world with blog posts. dont make me get the eMLA Format Squad on you!
Thank you Emily for being the one person bored enough to check my blog for entertainment only to discover that it was outdated and for urging me to continue writing! I've entered the writer's block/ too lazy to write stage of my writing career so it has been difficult to be able to keep up with my posts. I'll get back to posting things on a regular basis from here on out. As a matter-o-fact, I have a great idea for a poem which I shall post on DeviantArt and Facebook tomorrow. If I fail in this endeavor all of my 1.5 followers have my permission to do whatever it takes to get me back on track. I'm counting on you! Also, if any of you have anything you'd like to see in a story just let me know. I really need to write a nice long story to break my streak of only writing poems, I just don't want to have to end up competing with Robert Frost for the rest of my career. Well, I'll update you all tomorrow and if I don't then I expect lots of angry letters the next morning. See you then!